Thursday 8 October 2015

Hindi Whatsapp Status

"हम क्या है वो तो सिर्फ हम ही  जानते है... लोग तो सिर्फ हमारे बारे में अंदाजा लगा सकते है "

बादलो से कह दो जरा सोच समझकर बरसे,अगर मुझे उसकी याद आ गयी तो मुकाबला बराबरी का होगा.

दिमाग पर जोर लगाकर गिनते हो गलतियां मेरी..
कभी दिल पर हाथ रखकर पूछना कसूर किसका था. 

जिन्दगी ने सवालात बदल डाले, वक्त ने हालात बदल डाले, हम तो आज भी वही हैं जो कल थे, बस लोगों ने अपने ख्यालात बदल डाले। 

अक्सर वही लोग उठाते हैं हम पर उंगलिया ।
जिनकी हमें छूने की औकात नहीं होती..! 

जिस दिन तुम किसी दुसरे की बहेन की इज्ज़त के लिए लड़ोगे बस उसी दिन तुम्हारी बेहेने अपने आप सुरक्षित हो जाएगी !! 

जानू बोलने वाला भलेही कोई नही है#लेकिन प्यार से गाली देकर # गले लगाने वाले दोस्त बोहत है! 

बहुत आसान है पहचान इसकी . . . अगर दुखता नहीं तो दिल नहीं है!! 

डिक्शनरी ऐसी एकमात्र जगह है जहां काम (work) से पहले कामयाबी (success) आती है। 

# पैसे की अमीरी ‪#‎तो‬ आम है, ‪#‎_दिल‬ की अमीरी खुदा ‪#‎किसी‬ किसी को देता है.. _# 

मेरे दिल से खेल तो रहे हो तुम पर...... जरा सम्भल के...... ये थोडा टूटा हुआ है कहीं तुम्हे ही लग ना जाए.......!! 

बांसुरी से सीख ले एक नया सबक ऐ जिन्दगी.....
लाख सीने में जख्म हो फिर भी गुनगुनाती है। 

एक ही दिल को कोई कब तक तोड़ता रहेगा...अब कोई जोड़ता भी है तो यकीन नही होता...!! 

ये तो शौक है मेरा ददॅ लफ्जो मे बयां करने का, नादान लोग हमे युं ही शायर समझ लेते है. 

मुझे वो रिश्ते बहुत पसंद हैं,
जिसमे " मै " नही " हम " आते हैं... 

नमक की तरह हो गयी है जिंदगी, लोग स्वादानुसार इस्तेमाल कर लेते हैं !!!       

दे सलामी इस तिरंगे को जिससे तेरी शान है . सिर हमेशा ऊँचा रखना इसका जब तक दिल में जान हैं .. 

मेरी धडकनो में धडकता रहे तु , मेरे देश तुझको नमन है मेरा, जीऊं तो जुबां पर तेरा नाम हो मरूं तो तिरंगा कफन हो मेरा।. 

वतन हमारा मिसाल है मोहब्बत की , तोड़ता है दीवार नफरत की , मेरी खुश नसीबी है मिली जिंदगी इस चमन में , भुला ना सके कोई इसकी खुशबू सातों जन्मों में .. 

अपना  "PiC"  ही ऐसा होता है की "SeT MaX"  की तरह लोगो को दीवाना बना देता है....! 

मैं वो खेल नहीं खेलता जिसमें जितना तय हो, क्योंकि जीतने का मजा तब है जब हारने का रिस्क हो .. 

कभी तो हिसाब करो हमारा भी ....
इतनी मोहब्बत भला कौन देता है उधार मे... 

मेरी धडकनो में धडकता रहे तु , मेरे देश तुझको नमन है मेरा, जीऊं तो जुबां पर तेरा नाम हो मरूं तो तिरंगा कफन हो मेरा।. 

तुझे #गुस्सा दिलाना भी एक #साजिश है... तेरा #रुठ कर मुझ पर यूँ #हक जताना #प्यारा सा लगता है....!! 

#हम दिल नही #हड्डीया और #अकड तोडते है.क्योंकी
#दिलतो एक ही होता है.पर #हड्डीया 206 और अकड
#रग_रग मे होती है.... 

ना जाने #Ladkiya ऐसा क्यु कहतीहै मुझे... की तेरी जो कोई भी #Girlfriend होगी बहोत #Lucky होगी...!! 

आधी लडकियाँतो मुझसे इसलिये जलती हे
क्योकि मै उनको Rply नही करता क्योकि
थारा भाई FULL SET है ओर
थारी भाभी भी FULL HOT 

तेरे सामने शरीफ होने का दिखावा करता हूँ,
वरना पूछ आके मेरे यारों से,
कमीनेपन में BrandeD :->हरामी हूँ,,! 

पगली तू बात करने
का मौका तो दे ..कसम से
कहता हु....
रूला देंगे तुझे तेरे ही सितम
गिनाते गिनाते...... 

तुमहारी दुनिया मे हम जैसे हजारो होँगे,
मगर हमारी दुनिया मे तुम सा कोई नही.. 

ख्वाइश बस इतनी सी है की तुम मेरे लफ़्ज़ों को समझो.. 

"हम क्या है वो तो सिर्फ हम ही जानते है... लोग तो सिर्फ हमारे बारे में अंदाजा लगा सकते है " 

कुछ ऐसी ‪मुहोब्बत‬ उसके ‪दिल‬ में भर दे,
रब वो जिसको भी चाहे वो मैं बन जाऊं.. 

तुमहारी दुनिया मे हम जैसे हजारो होँगे,
मगर हमारी दुनिया मे तुम सा कोई नही.. 

कहने को कुछ नहीं...........!!

आह भी चुप सी घुट रही है
सीने में"..........!! 

ये और बात कि हम साथ साथ सब के गये. 

न सर झुका है कभी..और न झुकायेंगे कभी, जो अपने दम पे जियें...सच में ज़िन्दगी है वही. 

न रूठ जाओ तुम मेरी वफाओं से,
मै खुद मना लूंगा तुम्हे दुआओं से। 

आज तक एसी कोई रानी नही बनी जो इस बादशाह को अपना गुलाम बना सके | 

मुझे किसी के बदल जाने का गम नही , बस कोई था, जिस पर खुद से ज्यादा भरोसा था…

Thursday 17 September 2015

Love Whatsapp Status

"Love can be demonstrated not defined."

"Don't say you love me unless you mean it."

"Only you can give me that feeling."

"Love when you’re ready, not when you are alone."

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."

"I’d cross the world for someone like you."

"Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite."

"My Hearts beats only for you."

"Every time I look at the keyboard U and I always together."

"“Hi”, is a short, simple word but it’s how love starts."

"Love has no limits."

"Everything is fair in Love and War."

"I want another day with you."

"You can’t stop loving short girls."

"I think love is fearless."

"I need you so much closer."

"My heart is perfect because… you are inside."

"You re special to me in every way. Thank you for being who you are."

"When I talk to you i fall in love over and over again."

"I need you, you need me. Let’s make it work."

"Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect."

"Love me for a second and I’ll love you forever."

"I hope you always find a reason to smile."

"I love you even when I hate you."

"Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I don’t love you"

"I usually don't get attached too easily, but that changes when I met you."

"Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart."

"Can I borrow a Kiss? I promise I’ll give it back."

"When I count my blessings i count you twice."

"Love conquers all things let us too surrender to love."

"Be the type of person you want to meet."

"I can’t stop missing you."

"Fund love, found sadness at the end of the line. - Wyn Owen Justin"

"I’m done begging for your love."

"I don't even know why I like you. But I just do."

"Why am I so afraid to lose you when you're not even mine?"

"I can't go a day without thinking about you."

"There is no finish line so love the journey."

"Fall in love not in line."

"If you love something set it free."

"The minute you think of giving up think of the reason why you held on so long."

"So many of my smiles begin with you."

"A true love story nerve ends."

"Love is just a word until someone special gives it a meaning."

"You think you're one of millions but you're one in a million to me."

"All I need is your love."

"I want you today and tomorrow and next week and for the rest of my life."

"Let all that you do be done n love."

"I’ll never forget the first time I saw you."

"True love has a habit of coming back."

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Cool Whatsapp Status

"It’s not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that define us."

"If you ain’t first, you are last."

"I’m gonna rest of my life, the best of my life."

"The best dreams happen when eyes are open."

"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is alight in the heart."

"Respect is one of life’s greatest treasures…"

"Why worry about things you cannot change? Let go and move on, because LIFE isn’t waiting."

"I’m making changes in my life so if you don’t hear from me, you’re one of them."

"A pretty girl is nothing if she has an ugly heart."

"You killed what was left of the good in me."

"The PAST cannot be changes, forgotten. Edited or erased: it can only be accepted."

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

"Choose the work you love and you will never have to work every day."

"A fake smile can hide a million tears."

"Smile and let everyone know that today, you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday."

"You never know how strong you are…until being strong is the only choice you have."

"You can do anything but not everything."

"A best friend is life a four leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have."

"Strong people know how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say I’m ok with a smile."

"Life is better when I’m drunk."

"Fake friends are around when they think you're cool true friends are around even when they think you're fool."

"I’m just waiting to see to if my coffee chooses to use its powers for good or evil today."

"Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway."

"Cheating is easy try something challenging and be faithful."

"face book is the only place where it's acceptable to talk to a wall"

"I don't have an attitude problem i just have a personality you can't handle."

"I don't stop when I’m tried; I stop when I’m done."

"Nobody dies virgin cause in the end life F***s us all."

"Love is all you need."

"Dear math please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you."

"I dreamed a dream."

"Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak. Sometimes it just means your strong enough to let go."

"I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile then walk into a pole."

"No one rises suddenly in the World, Not Even the Sun."

"Be polite to everyone don’t sweat the small stuff, and be positive-it’s contagious!"

"Life will serve you best if you love it as much as you love yourself."

"'Different' and ‘New’ is relatively easy. Doing something that’s genuinely better is very hard.'Sir Jony Ive, Apple"

"There is only happiness in this life, to love and be loved."

"I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye."

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

"The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."

"I don’t make mistakes I just date them."

"We fall in love by chance. We stay in love by choice."

"Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy."

"The first duty of LOVE is to LISTEN."

"I can and I will. Watch me!!"

"When you want to give up remember why you started."

"The best way to create your future is to create it"

"Sleep all your troubles away."

"I’m not bossy. I just know what you should be doing."

Monday 9 June 2014

Best Whatsapp Status

Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.

Dear sleep, Kindly come and go on time.

I am open to live my life in abundance

Freedom lies in being bold.

This status is better than missing status.

Being stupid also difficult thing

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

A girl heart is docean of secrets:*

A small word from girl can change boy's life

I love you in any condition and under any circumstance

Too much ego kill your talent

Love the most beautiful person ; that is "Youself"

Had a really great "Night Out" last night, According to my police report.

I will win, Not immediately But Definitely.'

If you're talking behind my back, you're in a good position to kiss my ass!

Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I'm tired of solving them for you.

The road to success is always under construction.

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

Born to express not to impress.

Silent people have the loudest minds.

Sometimes it's easier to pretend you don't care, than to admit it's killing you.

You cannot stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

Life is like photography, You use the negatives to develop.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.

When someone says, "You've Changed", It simply means you've stopped living your life their way.

If you want to make your dreams come true, The first thing you have to do is wake up.

I don't have dirty mind, I have Sexy imagination.

Whenever i think of quit smoking, I need a cigarette to think.

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.

You have to be ODD, to be number ONE.

When life puts you in tough situations, don't say, why me? Just say, try me!

I stopped fighting with my inner demons. We are on the same side Now.

If people are trying to bring you 'Down', It only means that you are 'Above them'.

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.

Be a good person, But don't try to prove.

Mistakes are proof that you are trying.

Some people are alive only, Because it's illegal to kill them.

I am not failed......My success is just postponed.

If you like me Then raise your hand, If not then raise your standard.

When i was born..Devil said.."Oh Shit..!! Competition".

I work for money, For loyalty Hire a Dog.

I am always right, Once i thought that I am wrong, But i was wrong.

I know i am something, Because god doesn't create garbage.

If you are gonna be two-faced, Honey at least make one of them pretty!

When nothing goes right..!! Go left.

If you can't convince them, Confuse them.

I love to walk in fog, Because nobody knows i am smoking.

I am not drunk, I am just chemically off-balanced.

Oh, So you wanna argue, Bring it. I got my CAPS LOCK ON.

I am so poor that i can't pay attention in class.

Warning...I know KARATE.......And few other oriental words.

I used to be an atheist, But then i realized i'm God.

Never make eye contact while eating a banana.

Success is like being pregnant everybody congratulates you, But nobody knows how many times 
you got fucked to get there.

I am not virgin, My life fucks me everyday.

Nothing is over until you stop trying.

Person you love is 72.8% water.

I talk to myself because i like dealing with a better class of people.

People say, you can't live without love...I think oxygen is more important.

80% of boys have girlfriends.. Rest 20% are having brain.

When everything comes your way.. Then you are on the wrong way.

she's so fake, if you look behind her neck. I bet it says "Made in china".

I drink to make other people interesting.

If at first, you don't succeed..Keep flushing.

Save water drink beer.

Virginity is not dignity, It is just lack of opportunity.

Not all men are fools, Some stay bachelor.

Don't kiss behind the garden, Love is blind but the neighbors are not.

His story is History, My Story is Mystery.

Phones are better than girlfriends, At least we can switch off.

Smile today, tomorrow could be worse.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

If you don't succeed at first, hide all evidence that you tried.

Stop worrying about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.

Cell phones these days keep getting thinner and smarter... people the opposite.

Diet rule #1: If nobody sees you eating it, it doesn't contain any calories.

I love my job only when I'm on vacation

Friends come and go, but enemies remain and build up.

Never test how deep the water is with both feet.

The richer you get, the more expensive happiness becomes.

Parachute for sale, used once, never opened!!

My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.

FREE PUPPIES: Half cocker spaniel, half sneaky neighbors dog.

Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.

In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.

I'm not online, it's just an optical illusion.

That's the secret to life... replace one worry with another.

If there is a "WILL", there are 500 relatives.

How is a poor man a lot like a rich man? They both have an iPhone.

Some people call me Mike, you can call me tonight.

When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it.

Whatever it is -- I didn't do it!

Sometimes you succeed.... and other times you learn.

There are three sides to an argument - your side, my side and the right side.

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

Failure is not an option -- it comes bundled with Windows.

I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle!... He's dreaming too.

I believe there should be a better way to start each day... instead of waking up every morning.

When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.

Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my status 

I'd rather have honest enemies than fake friends.

My "last seen at" was just to check your "last seen at".

Not always "Available".. Try your Luck..

Hey there whatsapp is using me.

I'm not lazy, I'm on energy saving mode.

You can never buy Love....But still you have to pay for it.

Totally available!! Please disturb me!!��

“Success” all depends on the second letter.

Life is Short – Chat Fast!